Meme Cuz Xenia Made Me Do It

This is one of those meme things. Maybe it’s my advanced age, but I’ve never done one of these before. Caught it from Xenia.

Four jobs you have had in your life

1. disc jockey — college radio station
2. small-time mall fashion model
3. Strawberry picker
4. Public Relations Assistant for a nonprofit school

4 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over

1. Groundhog Day
2. The Three Lives of Thomasina
3. Braveheart
4. Millions

4 Places You’ve Lived

1. Bellingham, Washington
2. Vancouver, Washington
3. Ann Arbor, Michigan
4. Bend, Oregon

4 TV Shows You Love To Watch(I never watch TV, either…)

1. Frasier
2. Northern Exposure
4. Picket Fences

4 Places You Have Been On Vacation

1. Portugal
2. South Carolina
3. Alvord Desert
4. Yellowstone National Park

4 Websites You Visit Daily

1. Bloglines
2. Google Images

4 Of Your Favorite Foods

1. Marzipan
2. Salmon
3. Pumpkin Pie
4. Marionberry Pie

4 Places You Would Rather Be Right Now

1. Timberline Lodge with a cup of hot chocolate
2. In my own bed with a cup of hot chocolate
3. Sun Valley Lodge with a cup of hot chocolate
4. A Swiss chalet with a cup of hot chocolate

Bloggers you are tagging

Sheesh! I don’t really know anyone to tag for this thing…need to make more friends who have blogs!

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